Review: The Ocean in a Thunderstorm/ The Scent of Rain

Review: The Ocean in a Thunderstorm/ The Scent of Rain

The Ocean in a Thunderstorm/ The Scent of Rain

Robyn Locksley

Synopsis: After ending her engagement, Aurora retreats to her Grandmother’s house in Georgia. On her arrival, a mishap places her directly in the care of Brick Starling, the local EMT, who– unbeknownst to Aurora– has been infatuated with her since he first saw her picture.

Rating: PG-13 Some fairly mild language

For the sake of clarity, I would like to mention that these are companion novellas that I have chosen to review as one. They are largely the same story, from different perspectives. Ocean in a Thunderstorm is told from Aurora’s perspective, while The Scent of Rain is told from Brick’s.

I’ve kind of been putting off writing this review, not because I didn’t like the books, but because I’ve needed time to organize my thoughts, somewhat. There’s a lot I liked about them, a few things I didn’t, and honestly, a couple things I’ve been struggling to decide how I feel about! So, with all that in mind, I’m going to just jump right in!

The Good:
Both novellas are super quick and just fun to read. They’re a light, clean romance, with all kinds of “will they or won’t they” vibes. Brick, occasionally comes off a tiny bit on the stalker side, but mostly just seems like a love struck puppy, but way more attractive! I really liked Aurora’s character. She is kind, but firm, and I was happy to see her take control of her own life. There were a couple of times she did or said some things that initially struck me as a little on the rude or defensive side, but then I remembered the position she was in and decided she was reacting pretty much exactly how I would. I also really enjoyed watching Brick try to figure her out.

The Other Side:
There were a couple of things I just found really unrealistic. The first thing that really bothered me (even though it’s a ridiculously small detail…) was that Aurora is only 20, and yet supposed to be a book editor. Typically a bachelor’s degree is required for a position like that, and I find it difficult to believe that a 20 year old could qualify for that career. (TINY SPOILER COMING!!!)The other thing that really got to me was that Aurora lost consciousness and they didn’t take her to a hospital! However, in this I can allow for suspension of disbelief.

A Little of Both:
Ok, now keep in mind, I read these two novellas back to back. When I started reading The Scent of Rain I was anticipating that it would pick up more where Ocean in a Thunderstorm left off. However, they tell up to the same point. So apart from some variation in the beginning, you’re basically reading the same story, just from different perspectives. Because of this, some of the dialog gets repetitive. But, on the other hand, I understand WHY Locksley chose to do it that way. It was good to see why Brick knew so much about her, and to see him take what he thought knew and get to see the real her. I might also just be salty because I want to know what happens next!! So, really I think, they are both worth reading, just maybe read something in between so the dialog isn’t SUPER fresh in your mind.

Overall, these are a great choice if you are just looking for a light, sweet, fun read!

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