Review: Chef’s Kiss

Review: Chef’s Kiss

Chef’s Kiss

T.J. Alexander

Synopsis: Simone has her dream job writing recipes for The Discerning Chef, a popular cookbook publisher. But sales are falling, and suddenly she is expected to be a writer, and a social media influencer. Further complicating matters, a whole new team has been brought in, including Ray, the new kitchen manager with a big personality, and a killer smile. Together they must navigate major changes at The Discerning Chef, including Ray coming out as Non-binary.

Rating: PG-15 for some sexuality and language.

Sensitivity Warning: Dead naming and misgendering.


There’s no easy way to say this, but I wish I had loved this book as much as I thought I was going to. There are some really positive things, and some things I just didn’t care for. So let’s just dive in.

The Downside:
One of the things that bothered me the most is that I just didn’t feel the chemistry between Simone and Ray. I almost wish the book hadn’t been advertised as a rom- com, because for most of the book, their relationship felt like a really good friendship, with a mild attraction on Simone’s end. ***SPOILER INCOMING*** Especially given that they don’t admit their feelings, or get together until the VERY end, there was a lot left to be desired.

I also didn’t find Simone a terribly likeable character for about the first half of the book. She was very set in her ways, and not at all open to the changes that needed to be made. She does come around eventually, and the book greatly improves when she does.

The Upside
For a reader like myself, who is not especially familiar with the Trans and Non-binary community, I felt like I learned a lot through reading this book. It was also a good way to practice getting comfortable using they/them/their pronouns. Books like this one are SUCH an important step in normalizing the use of pronouns, and understanding what it truly means for people to have their pronouns respected. In that regard, Chef’s Kiss did a great job!

Despite the things I mentioned above, Chef’s Kiss was an enjoyable read. It was entertaining, and it had a unique plot. I just really wish I had gotten more of the relationship between Simone and Ray, and what comes next for them. I wanted more! I also would have enjoyed seeing the antagonists get what was coming to them.

If you enjoy LGBTQ+ romantic comedy, and are looking for a cute, quick, easy read, Chef’s Kiss is a decent option. It’s not my favorite, but I’m glad I read it.

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