Review: Trading Secrets

Review: Trading Secrets

Trading Secrets

Rachel Eckles

Synopsis: Celeste Donovan is a strong, independent women who is used to running with the guys on Wall Street. When she meets Omar, there is something about him that draws her attention. But when Oman turns out to be horribly abusive, Celeste and her friend and business partner, Savin, find their own creative way to get back at him, and get Celeste away from him. For the last ten years, Celeste has been living life on her terms; making lots of money and refusing to spend more than a couple of hours with any man. But when it looks like Omar may be coming back for her, Celeste will embark on the fight of her life to get to Omar, before he can get to her…Again.

Rating: R- For Sexuality, Language, and Drug use
SENSITIVITY WARNING: Sexual Violence, Pregnancy Loss

One thing I will give this book, it is a story unlike any I’ve read before. It has a kind of “hunt or be hunted” vibe, but in very creative ways. Celeste and Savin find ways to beat Omar at his own game that are borderline Evil Genius. I actually liked that at one point they even acknowledge that they aren’t exactly the proverbial good guys either.

I do take small issue with this being labeled as a “Romantic Suspense”. Suspense, absolutely. But the first quarter to third of the book I would label almost more “Erotic” over “Romantic”. Until you get a little further in, there’s not much romantic about it. Celeste is just in it for a “Love ’em and Leave ’em”. Thankfully, after that, it gets a little more tame.


There is a pretty graphic rape scene. I normally appreciate when scenes like this aren’t graphic, but in this context, it wasn’t without merit. The details given give credence to just how evil Omar is, as well as how much Celeste has had to overcome. I also feel like it explains her abhorrence of anything even resembling a relationship. But be warned, it is not easy to read.

Trading Secrets will definitely keep you on your toes. It’s a pretty intense read! There are plot twists that threaten to give you whiplash. (No kidding, I audibly gasped at a couple parts.) I appreciate the creativity behind how they get their revenge, and I didn’t hate that they weren’t exactly spotless in how they extract it.

I am really looking forward to the sequel to Trading Secrets. I am anxious to see what happens next!

Photo Credit: Beth Manyen

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